Reviewing the Reviews

I recently worked an in person event as the Scoring and Deduction review person. Review requests were submitted via online form so I decided to go back and look at the basis provided for the Legality challenges. There were 63 total, how many do you think fell in each category?

USASF Ruling

This group said the skill was sent to the USASF and approved. This is by far the best thing you can put on a Legality challenge form. Some of them were approved, others were not which leads me to the PSA at the end.

Provided Explanation

This group explained why the skill was allowed, or at least why they thought it was allowed, and did not mention a USASF ruling. Some explanations were accepted, such as someone maintained contact that wasn’t clear in the video, and others were based on something faulty.

Asked for Warning

This group asked for a warning instead of a deduction and didn’t give any explanation of the skill being allowed as performed. For the most part the reason given why these should be warned was it being a performance error or accident.


32 provided explanations

19 asked for warnings

12 cited USASF rulings

PSA – When using the USASF Coach App, until you have a ruling that says Legal you don’t have anything that should help you at an event. Having a ruling that says Illegal due to a different part of the sequence in the video may not be considered by the reviewer due to it not being a Legal ruling. Only a Legal ruling is supposed to be considered.