USASF: Announcement Regarding Worlds 2020

Cheerleading Worlds LogoFrom the U.S. All Star Federation and the International All Star Federation regarding The Cheerleading and Dance World Championship

The Road to Worlds is an exciting one for All Star teams around the globe, and we share in the excitement and anticipation each year! The growth and momentum of All Star brings together incredible athleticism, artistry and talent at The Worlds annually. We’re looking forward to 2020.

Circumstances outside of our control have necessitated a slight adjustment of the dates of The Cheerleading and Dance Worlds for 2020. Worlds will take place on April 24, 25 and 26. The location remains at Walt Disney World® in Orlando, FL.

If you have questions, please contact:

  • U.S. Event Producers and Teams, please contact the USASF
  • Non-U.S. Event Producers and Teams, please contact the IASF

The Cheerleading and Dance Worlds 2020 Date Change FAQ

Why is there a date change for The Cheerleading and Dance Worlds?

The International Cheer Union is slightly changing their event date due to a scheduling conflict with important international meetings. That change is causing the USASF and IASF to slightly change their event date for The Cheerleading and Dance Worlds to avoid event overlap at Walt Disney World®.

What are the dates of the ICU World Championships?

To avoid a scheduling conflict with important international meetings, the 2020 ICU Worlds Championships will change their event date to April 27, 28 and 29.

Will this be the schedule for the following year?

At this time, we are only aware that it is a one-time change to the schedule.