Varsity All Star Scoring Update – January 2015

Varsity All Star LogoWe wanted to inform you of some changes that are taking place with the Varsity All Star Scoring System. Over the past several weeks we have received significant feedback from our customers in regards to scoring. The majority of this feedback has come from coaches and gym owners who participated in one of our 3 World Bids events or the over 100 championships we have hosted through December. In addition, we received input from our event directors, scoring managers, and judges regarding the scoring system. While we continue to support and believe in the overall mission of the USASF and the NACCC, including some type of comprehensive universal scoring system, Varsity has decided to do what we think is best for our customers for the remainder of this season.

Effective Immediately:

  1. WORLDS DIVISIONS: At ALL Varsity events, Worlds Divisions will now be scored on the Varsity All Star Scoring system. CLICK HERE to view the updated scoring documents.
  2. COMPARATIVE SCORING: While the idea of comparative scoring is inevitable when judging a competition, we are refocusing our efforts on awarding scores based on a comparison to what is allowed at each level and what is difficult at each level. This will provide more consistent scores across divisions and panels, and thus improving the accuracy of our bid processes.

We look forward to your continued support throughout the remainder of the season.