Observations After Kentucky’s Summer Practice Week

Kentucky Cheerleading 2014-15
The 2014-15 squads during an America themed practice.

I spent most of the past week in Lexington, KY with the University of Kentucky cheerleaders during their summer practice week. It was interesting to see the new team practicing together for the first time and the new members get a crash course in being a Kentucky cheerleader. I also got to see how Jomo Thompson and the coaches run practice and talk to them about why things are done the way they do them. Surprising no one, the team is extremely talented and I look forward to seeing how they’ll progress toward nationals in January.

Watching the athletes that are new to college cheerleading learn flipping stunts and tosses and 2 1/2 high pyramids also gave me a chance to get more tips and tricks to share with those taking the USASF Level 6 courses. Troubleshooting with people genuinely learning these types of skills for the first time was a much more educational experience than sitting around a table talking about typical things that go wrong and how to fix them.


USASF LogoHappy Independence Day! We hope you have a great holiday weekend.

Varsity All Star published a Level Appropriate skills document that has been added to the Spirit Company Dropbox.

The USASF Regional Meeting in Atlanta is just over a week away. If you haven’t already registered, please do as soon as you can.

We’ve created a Spirit Company SoundCloud account to publish audio only versions of OverStretch. We also added the old episodes of the Spirit Lounge and Spirit Roundtable.

OverStretch – June 2, 2014