The JAM Brands and Varsity to Align Scoring Systems in 2014-2015

The JAM BrandsScoring experts from both The JAM Brands and Varsity have agreed to work closely together to create a single score sheet and scoring system that will be utilized across all their events next season. “It is our feeling that gyms who attend our events will appreciate our efforts to work together to improve consistency and promote a deeper understanding of the scoring process. We have listened and can’t wait to deliver something so beneficial to all involved.” said Dan Kessler, Co-Owner of The JAM Brands.

Varsity All Star LogoA sample of the new score sheet is available online and more details regarding the overall scoring system will be released within the next couple weeks. “Our sport has been taking steps in this direction and there is a genuine spirit of collaboration taking place right now. The final touches are almost complete. The best news is that there will be a clear winner when it is all said and done – the gyms we serve – owners, coaches, choreographers and athletes,” said John Newby, Executive Vice President of Varsity.

Unified Score Sheet