Observations After Event 14 of 2013-14

Event 14 took me to one of the largest and most prestigious events of the year. As it has been for the past few years, it was great to be part of it and see some of the best teams in the worlds put on a show. I didn’t have any major observations from routines this weekend that haven’t already been stated and hope teams continue to improve as we get into end of the season event time.

On the rules side of things, please make sure any risk you are taking is worthwhile. If you want to risk a 1 point deduction because you want your top to be 1 degree inverted instead of enough for it to be noticeable, I hope you realize the downside is at least twice as large as the upside.


USASF LogoIt looks like Top Gun’s large coed team is the only team remaining with a chance at winning the Varsity Triple Crown. Congratulations to them and good luck preparing for and competing at UCA in a couple weeks.

Also, good luck to everyone competing at NDA Nationals and everyone going for bids at Aloha Spirit, Mid-Atlantic, and Pac West this weekend.

Finally, don’t forget to nominate your peers for the Worlds VIP Gala Awards.