Observations After Event 13 of 2013-14

Event 13 was my third of 5 events in the Pacific time zone and it had some of the busiest days I’ve had this season, running over 250 teams on 1 floor. The event itself was fine, but I feel like we’ve regressed with some of the rules violations. There were several teams passing though a single leg stunt at prep level in Level 1 or through extended level in Level 2. There were also too many early releases and moving catchers in pyramid release moves. Please make sure your skills are being performed in a way that won’t break these rules.

I probably should have thought of this sooner, but I want to remind everyone of the USASF Routine Interruption guidelines.

If an athlete is clearly injured, is questionably injured and does not resume their role in the routine within 5 seconds of the questionable injury, or leaves the competition floor due to an injury competition officials, the gym owner or coach of the team performing, the injured individual, or a USASF certified safety judge is to stop the routine.

I want to emphasize any one of these people saying stop the routine overrule anyone wanting the routine to continue.

NCA Trophy


The deadline for submitting qualifying videos for Junior Dance Worlds is this Saturday, March 1st.

Good luck to everyone competing at NCA and Champion Spirit this weekend.