Help the Peetz Family

Hello fellow cheer gym owners, coaches, judges and friends,

With help from so many of you a few weeks ago, we made it to the final round of the Primrose Family Dance Off and are so close to winning $5000 and a $30,000 donation to Levine Children’s Hospital here in Charlotte. In the process of trying to win this contest, we have been blessed to share the story of our little boy Jonathan with so many people across the country. The response, support, messages, etc that we have received from friends and strangers alike has been amazing, so thank you all for that!

We are now officially in finals week and this is when the votes really count. Voting ends at midnight on Friday at which point, the family with the most votes wins.

For those who may be hearing of this for the first time, the first link is a video that tells a short story about Jonathan.

The second link takes you straight to our video for the “Dance Off” and it takes only seconds to vote.

Jonathan’s Story:

Dance Off Voting Page:

Whatever you can do to help…email your athletes, friends, families, post on your personal/business Facebook pages, Twitter, etc…it would be immensely appreciated. You can vote once a day per computer and mobile device and if you want to share the link with others, you can do so directly from the voting page.

We hope you are all doing well. Thanks everyone for your support!

Take care and God bless,

Jason & Lauren Peetz