USASF Rules Process 2013-15

We want to take this time to remind our members that we are in the midst of our bi-annual cheer rules cycle. This past summer we listened to coaches and event producers alike, as they participated in the information gathering phase of this process. At the annual NACCC coaches retreat, the regional meetings and the tier meetings, members were provided an open forum to discuss ideas and brain storm possible changes for the 2013-2015 rules.

USASF LogoIt is time to formally propose any changes you would like to see made in our current rules, age grid and rules related policies.

Go to to learn more about the process and obtain the Rules and Policy Change Form.

The deadline for submitting this form is May 1, 2012.

The proposed changes will be presented at the NACCC’s Annual Coaches’ Retreat scheduled for May 29-31 in Miami, FL at the Doral Resort. Discussions will continue at the six USASF Regional Meetings this summer. For more information on the NACCC Coaches’ Retreat or the USASF Regional Meetings click this link.