Should I Get Involved with the Industry

Absolutely! Being involved with the industry gives you a chance to help shape the future of cheerleading and dance. Whether its participating in meetings, such as the NACCC Meeting in Doral or the USASF Regional Meetings, serving on a board or committee, or submitting proposals for the next rules cycle, you should get involved to make sure your voice is heard and your vote is counted.

In addition, sharing your ideas about the industry helps people get to know you. People within the industry feeling like they know you and feeling like you are approachable is good for your business. At a minimum it get’s your name out there so people are already familiar with you when they are searching for someone who offers the services you offer. As a maximum it can lead to new business and job offers, something I can attest to personally.

Two things are coming up you can start with. First is the USASF National Advisory Board elections (NAB Nominees), which should open voting in January. The second is submitting proposals for the next rules cycle. Proposals are due May 1st and the process is outlined on Spirit Post. Either of these is a great way to start making your voice heard and getting involved in shaping the direction of our industry.