Dear Event Producers: Team Size Help

Dear Event Producers,

Our industry has come to a point where several people, including myself, are wondering if it’s time to change team sizes. So far we’ve been forming our opinions based on personal observations and the limited data made available to us, thanks NCA, but we don’t have enough data to really know whether or not our observations are supported by the numbers so we need you help.

How can you help?

  1. Let us know the average number of athletes on Large teams attending your events.
  2. Let us know the average number of athletes on Small teams attending your events.
  3. Let us know the average number of teams per division at your events.
  4. Let us know any additional information you think would be useful.

NCA has already helped out by letting us know the average size of a Large team at NCA Nationals was 30.2. Jammy, Varsity, IEP, please help us get some reliable data so the industry can be informed as we discuss and make a decision about team sizes.

Thank you,
