Lent & Luke’s Back

Lent started a few days ago and I decided I would give up alcohol. I did it a few years ago and it wasn’t too bad. The most amusing reactions come from friends that are used to ordering a round when we go out to eat, but now I have to remind them I’m sitting out. One of them half jokingly said next time I need to consult them before making a major decision like that. There a few events during lent that would normally be a party, but will be low key this year; trips to Atlanta, Vancouver, and Orlando, plus St. Patrick’s Day.

During Lent we’ll probably have a lot of Fish and Chip Friday lunches so I’ll be ranking them as we try out different restaurants. Sine on Pentagon City Row was first so its obviously in the lead. Their plate had 2 large pieces of fish, fries, and coleslaw, all of which was pretty good. I’ll write more once we try out some more places so I have something to compare it to.

Luke got his groove back today. I got mine back about 2 months ago. I’ll just say life is better this way.